
Important Dates

Part 1 Due Date: Thursday 10/10 at 11:59pm (30 points)

Part 2 Due Date: Thursday 10/17 at 11:59pm (30 points)

Part 3 Due Date: Thursday 10/24 at 11:59pm (50 points)


In this MP you will create a program that can resize an image using the seam carving technique. Let me explain using a picture of my dog, Maymay.

enter image description here

I want to zoom in on my dog! However, just cropping the image removes other important parts of the picture I want to keep, like the skyline and water.

enter image description here

So instead I can use the seam carving algorithm to remove the less interesting parts of the image. This way I shrink the image while keeping more important parts, like Maymay <3.

enter image description here

Learning goals

  • From simple specifications create a complete, functioning, project.
  • Become comfortable working with classes and 2D data structures.
  • Design a readable and reusable solution through functions and testing.
  • Develop code on a personal computer and work with an autograder.

Topics Covered

2D vectors, classes, and testing.

Getting Started/Logistics

Start up the docker container from the docker app.

We recommend creating a CS128 folder to keep all assignments for this semester. Download the starter files onto your computer by visiting this link, Starter Code. Unzip the folder with the starter files in the CS128 folder you created. Open up a new window of VS Code. Click "Open..." and navigate to the folder called "student-seam-carver-main". Click "open".

See setup instructions

When you are done with each part, submit on Prairie Learn via the autograder, Autograder.

Background Information

Before we get started, let us make sure we are all starting on the same page!


A pixel is a small colored square. Many pixels together create an image. A color can be represented in RGB using three numbers each ranging from 0-255. The first number captures how much red is in the color, the second how much green, and the third how much blue. All the colors used on your computer can be represented using this format. We will use RGB pixels in this MP.

PPM P3 File Format

For this MP we will use the PPM P3 file format for all the images. The PPM P3 format is easy to work with and lets us easily manipulate the images. The files end with a .ppm extension and always begin with the following header:

width height

Replacing width and height with the actual values for that image.

After the header are all the pixels in the image. Each pixel is just its three RGB values. Here is a small example PPM P3 file:

2 3
30 30 39 0 0 0 
255 255 255 30 60 60 
0 1 0 200 200 24

I have included many PPM P3 files for you to use with the starter files. However, feel free to also create your own! I have had success using the magick program on my Mac to convert jpg files to the PPM P3 format. I also recommend highly reducing the size of the jpg before converting to PPM and using it with your program to speed up processing time.

MP Overview

In this MP you will create code that will first read in an image file specified by the user. It will then remove seams (a contiguous series of pixels) from the image. Finally, it will save the edited image to a new image file.

This MP uses two classes (Image and ImageProcessing), a struct (Pixel), and a driver ( to create the complete image processing program. Below are more detailed steps on what the code will accomplish:

  1. The driver code will create an ImageProcessing object based on the file name the user specifies.
  2. The ImageProcessing object will create an Image object. This Image object will store and manage the pixels of the picture. A pixel is represented using the Pixel struct which has three int values, one for the red, green, and blue value.
  3. The driver will call various member functions on the ImageProcessing object it created in step 1. These functions will remove seams (a contiguous series of pixels) based on the seam carving algorithm.
  4. The driver will then get the edited Image object from the ImageProcessing object and save the processed image to a new file.

This project is split into three parts across three weeks.

Part 1 has you implement and test the Image class. 30pts (Due Thursday 10/10 at 11:59pm) (10% point reduction if submitted within 24 hours late)

Part 2 implement and test the ImageProcessing class. 30pts (Due Thursday 10/17 at 11:59pm) (10% point reduction if submitted within 24 hours late)

Part 3 has you implement the driver for the program. 50pts (Due Thursday 10/24 at 11:59pm) (10% point reduction if submitted within 24 hours late)

Note that part 1 is substantially easier than part 2 and part 3. Feel free to work ahead on parts.

The Seam Carving Algorithm

Below is a simplified explanation of the seam carving algorithm with all the information you need to complete the MP. If you would like to get a more in-depth understanding, please see the research paper by Avidan and Shamir from 2012 that first introduced this idea, Seam Carving for Content-Aware Image Resizing.

Seam carving works by identifying unimportant paths of pixels across an image, aka seams. For this MP, we will focus on vertical seams. Below is a visual representation of what vertical seams look like (the vertical red lines).

enter image description here

Calculate Energy

To find unimportant seams we need to find unimportant pixels. A pixel is unimportant if it does not contribute to the main subject of the image. This is hard to define! To approximate this, we use the energy of the pixel. The energy of a pixel within an image is the sum of the squared energy between its north and south neighbor and its east and west neighbor. A high energy means a pixel's neighbors have a high contrast with each other and so it is probably important to the subject of the image.

You will write a function in the ImageProcessing class called CalculateEnergy(). This function will calculate the energy of each pixel in the image and return it as a 2D vector.

Below is the formula for calculating the energy of a pixel:

energy(inner pixel) = SquaredPixelEnergy(N, S) + SquaredPixelEnergy(E, W)

energy(border pixel) = kHighEnergy

The function SquaredPixelEnergy is given and implemented already for you in pixel.hpp and To avoid carving the edges of the image, we will use the constant kHighEnergy for all border spaces.

enter image description here

Calculate Cost

We now want to find a seam that goes through the least amount of energy. To find this, we first calculate the minimum energy cost of reaching a particular pixel. In other words, what is the least amount of energy that the seam needed to pass through to get to this specific pixel (from the top down). Once we have calculated this for every pixel in the image, we can start at the bottom row and work our way up following the path of least cost.

To calculate the minimum cost of a pixel, we add its energy to the minimum cost of getting to that pixel. There are either 2 (for border pixels) or 3 (for inner pixels). If the pixel is not on a border and at (row, col), the 3 pixels to consider are (row - 1, col -1), (row-1, col), and (row-1, col + 1). The top row cost is just the energy values of those pixels.

The recommended approach for calculating the minimum cost of each pixel is to start at the bottom row. Initialize all the values in that bottom row with their energies and then work your way up using the formula above. Fill in a 2D vector with the values at each step in the CalculateCost ImageProcessing function and return said vector at the end.

enter image description here

Find the Seam

After calculating the energy followed by the cost, it is time to find the least important seam. In this MP, we will only be finding vertical seams. A seam is represented by a vector.

To find the seam, start at the top of the cost 2D vector and find the smallest cost value. That will be the starting point of the seam. From there, trace your way back down the image along the path of the smallest neighboring cost values. At the end, you will have a vector the size of the height of the image. Each element indicating which column the pixel of the seam is in for that row. For example, if the 1st element in the seam vector, spot 0, has the value 2, that means the seam starts at row 0 at column 2. If the 4th element in the seam vector, spot 3, has the value 3, that means the seam passes through row 3 at column 3.

When implementing FindVerticalSeam in the ImageProcessing class be careful to handle the case where the seam is at a border value. If there is a tie, use the leftmost pixel.

enter image description here

Remove the Seam

Once you have found the minimum seam all that is left is removing it from the image. I recommend using the RemovePixel function you wrote from the Image class.

enter image description here

Resizing an Image

Let's put it all together to change the size of an image. You will combine function calls from Image and ImageProcessing in to achieve the following behavior:

Reducing the Width

  1. Find vertical seam
    1. Calculate cost
    2. Calculate energy
    3. Find least important seam
  2. Remove pixels from image that are in the seam
  3. Repeat until desired width

Reducing the Height

  1. Flip the image to the left by 90 degrees
  2. Apply the "Reducing the Width" algorithm
  3. Flip the image to the right by 90 degrees

Part 1

In this part, you will complete the Image class. Below are the required functions for this part:

  • 2 Image constructors
  • Image::SaveToFile
  • Image::Width
  • Image::Height
  • Image::GetPixel
  • Image::SetPixel
  • Image::RemovePixel

There are only a few tests given. It is up to you to expand the file by adding your own tests to verify your code is working.

To compile and run your tests put the following into the terminal:

make tests-i

Part 2

In this part, you will complete the ImageProcessing class. Below are the required functions for this part:

  • Image Processing constructor
  • ImageProcessing::GetImage
  • ImageProcessing::FlipLeft
  • ImageProcessing::FlipRight
  • ImageProcessing::CalculateEnergy
  • ImageProcessing::CalculateCostVertical
  • ImageProcessing::FindVerticalSeam
  • ImageProcessing::RemoveVerticalSeam

There are only a few tests given. It is up to you to expand the file by adding your own tests to verify your code is working.

make tests-ip

Part 3

In this part, you will complete the driver portion of the project. This is the code that will call the functions you wrote in the previous parts in order to process an image. You will write this code in the file.

A few sample images and their expected seam carved versions are given:


Written by Jule Schatz 2024 with help from Georges Durand, based on project by Josh Hug and code by Kevin Wayne and Maia Ginsburg (Princeton).